Since this blog is presented in reverse-chronological order, start reading from the bottom and work your way up.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 0.5 continued

Just getting ready to call it a day.  Have checked into the "Hospital". I put this into quotations since the only thing Schick Shadel deals with is addiction recovery...yes, it is saving lives but not performing cardiac surgery or cancer care, hence the quotations.
I've met some real characters so far. The fellow inmates range from my roomate who seems to be very similar to me in his addiction to many others with similar to much worse challenges. I'm grateful to be here with the support of my dear family. The encouragement from fellow patients is quite good. There are also a few that are returning for their 30 day and 60 day visits. All speak to their experience of being alcohol free with no urges to drink since their treatment.
Tomorrow is a series of introductory meetings whereas the real hardcore stuff starts on Sunday.

Good night...